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product R&D

Organic K Corporation has been constantly studying various patent applications and new products in order to provide better value in the future.

Until the day that it can satisfy both customers and customer companies with diverse research and new products, the Organic K research institute will not rest.

유아세제, KATRI 한국의류시험연구원 인증

  • 작성자 최고관리자
  • 댓글 0 item
  • 조회 54,406 Time
  • 작성일 18-04-13 14:06
- 일반세탁기 · 드럼세탁기 겸용 인증세제
- 벤젠, 테트라, 비소, 인산염 등 불검출
- 생분해도 98.4 시험방법 KSM 2714:2007
